What is Method and Difference between Functions and Methods in Javascript

Difference between Functions and Methods in Javascript

Before discussing the difference between a function and a method, we must understand, what is a function and what is a method. So, let’s understand a function first.

Function in Javascript

  • A function in JavaScript is a block of code, which is designed to perform a particular task.
  • It is a standalone piece of code that can be called from anywhere in the program.
  • We need to use function keyword, in order to define a function.
function greet() {
  console.log("Hello, world!");

greet(); // Calls the function

So, we can say that

  • functions can be declared independently.
  • functions can be called without being associated with an object.
  • functions are not tied to any object.

Now, Let’s see, what is a method

Methods in Javascript

  • A method is also a function, but it is always associated with either an object or with a class.
  • We have to write a method always inside an object or inside a class.
  • When we write a method inside an object, then we need to use function keyword while defining it.
  • When we write a method inside a class, then we can’t use function keyword while defining it.
  • So, a method is a funnction which is a property of an object or a class.

Definition – When a function is defined as a property of an object or a class, it is called a method of that object or the class.

Methods associated to an object

const person = {

  name: "Rajesh",
  greet: function() {
    console.log("Hello, my name is " + this.name + "!");

person.greet(); // Calls the method

Methods associated to a class

class person {

  greet() {
    console.log(`Hello, my name is ${this.name}`);


let obj = new person();
obj.name = "Rajesh";

Difference between function and method

functionmethod (object)method (class)
We need to use function keyword while defining a functionWe need to use function keyword while defining a method associated to an objectfunction keyword should not be used when we define a method associated to a class
We can call function without using any object referenceWe have to use object reference for calling methodWe have to use object reference for calling method
Functions are general-purpose blocks of code that can be used independentlymethods are specific functions associated with an objectmethods are specific functions associated with a class
In a standalone function, this can have different values depending on how the function is invoked.In a method, this refers to the object to which the method belongs, allowing methods to access and modify the object’s propertiesIn a method, this refers to the object to which the method belongs, allowing methods to access and modify the object’s properties

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