Selenium with Javascript – Relative XPath Part 2

Selenium with Javascript – Relative XPath Part 2 We had discussed about different type of Relative XPath in out last session, where we were writing xpath for a particular element based on the attribute and tag of the Element. So, we had seen different types of Relative XPath so that we can get a unique … Read more

Selenium with Javascript – Relative XPath Part 1

Selenium with Javascript – Relative XPath Part 1 Hi friends, So we are going to discuss about type of dynamics XPath or relative XPath in this the last session we had discussed what is xpath and the type of XPath, and we found that we have 2 types of x paths We found that … Read more

Selenium with Javascript – XPath Introduction

XPath Introduction Hi friends so we are going to see XPath today in this session. What is XPath We had discussed about 8 types of Locators in our earlier session of Selenium, and XPath is one of those Locators. So, XPath is a Locator, which helps in locating Elements. XPath is called as xml path … Read more

Selenium with Javascript – WebElements, Tags, Attributes

WebElements, Tags, Attributes We are going to discuss about WebElements, Tags, Attributes in this session. WebElements Let’s talk about the WebElement first. If suppose, we have to login to our email or any eCommerce Website, then we need to enter username and password in the respective fields and then, we need to click on the … Read more

Selenium with Javascript – Accessing different Elements

Selenium with Javascript – Accessing different Elements We had discussed about Locators in our last session, So we know that we can use Locators to access or locate different type of Elements. Now, we get a question, that how many types of Elements, do we have in a Web Application, and the answer is, there … Read more

Selenium with Javascript – First Test Script

Write and run test scripts in Selenium with JavaScript Creating First Test We should have a little bit javascript knowledge. Now, Let’s write our first test script. In this first test script, We will only see, How can we launch a Browser and How can we navigate to our applicate in the browser using Selenium … Read more

Selenium with Javascript – Installation

Selenium with Javascript – Installation We have got an introduction to Selenium and Javascript in our previous session, and we are going to see the installation part in this session. So, the softwares, we need to install or configure in order to work with Selenium with Javascript are So, we are going to see, each … Read more

Selenium with Javascript – Introduction

Introduction In this session, We are going to start our tutorial for Selenium with Javascript. So, In this session, We are going to discuss, what is Selenium, what is javascript, and which IDE, are we going to use in our project. So this is going to be a kind of Introduction to Selenium with Javascript. … Read more