Javascript is a Programming Language.
What is a Programming Language. As the name suggests, Programming Language is a language. What is Language and what is the use of Language. So, Generally, We know, Hindi, English are Languages, and these are used for communication, means if we want to talk to a person, then we need to talk to them in a language, that they understand, If suppose we talk to a person in English, but the person only knows Hindi, then He will not be able to understand, what are we talking to him, and Communication will not be possible. Same way, If we have to communicate with Computer, then we have to use a language, which computer understands, and Computer understands Programming Language. So Programming language is used to establish communication with Computer, and Programming Language is used for writing Programs. Prgrams like Addition of 2 Numbers, Subtraction of 2 numbers.
Javascript is a lightweight, and cross-platform programming language. It is also known as scripting language for webpages. It is well known for developement of web pages, but it is not only used in web developement but it can be used for other non browser developement activities as well. Javascript was introduced in 1995.
We have covered below topics in this session
Objects, Classes and Constructor in Javascript Classes and Objects A class in any programming language…
We will start from object oriented programming basics like What are different concepts in Object…
Why we can not over ride a Constructor This is a very important question, that,…
What is Arrow Function In the last session, We had discussed about Anonymous Function. Anonymous…
What is Anonymous Function Anonymous Function is a type of function which has no name…
What is Map, Reduce and Filter Map Filter and Reduce are higher order methods for…