Javascript Tutorial – Map, Filter and Reduce

What is Map, Reduce and Filter What is Map Let’s understand Maps first. So, We had discussed about forEach in one of our previous sessions, and, We had seen that forEach loop takes value as an argument, and we can print that value. We can do the same thing with Map as well. Let’s see … Read more

Javascript Tutorial – Different ways of declaring or defining a function in Javascript

9 different ways of declaring or defining a function in Javascript In, one of our previous sessions, We had seen, What is a Function, and in this session, We are going to see, how can we declare a function in different ways. Function Declaration This is a type of function which we have already discussed … Read more

Javascript Tutorial – Loops with Arrays in Javascript

Loops with Arrays in Javascript In our last session, we had seen, What is Array and what are different array methods and operators. In this session, We are going to see, how can we use loops with Arrays. We have already seen different types of loops in Javascript in one of our previous session, and … Read more

Javascript Tutorial – Arrays and Arrays Methods in Javascript

Arrays and Arrays Methods in Javascript Arrays in Javascript When we have to hold multiple values in a single Variable, then we need array. Let’s take an example of Students in a school. Student is a single variable but will hold multiple values. like, class, age, gender, marks etc.. So, If we want to hold … Read more

Javascript Tutorial – String in Javascript

String in Javascript What is String String is a data type in javascript. It is a very important data type. Let’s understand the importance of a string with an example. Name of this youtube channel QA Peddia Hindi, So how important is the name for a youtube channnel, it is very important. So, Data type … Read more

Javascript Tutorial – Function in Javascript

Function in Javascript Before understanding function in Javascript, Let’s take an example of Test Case, where we have to add 2 numbers multiple times, then what can we do, You might say that we can write the code to add 2 numbers that many times or we can use loops, and Yes, We can do … Read more

Javascript Tutorial – Loops in Javascript

Loops in Javascript What is Loops When we want to execute a piece of code for a number of times, without writing it multiple times, then we use loops for that.For example, If you want to print “Hello World” 5 times, then you can write something like this. But this is not an effiecient way … Read more

Javascript Tutorial – Conditional Expression in Javascript

Conditional Expression in Javascript In our last session, We had discussed about Comparison Operators, that they return a true or false value, i.e. boolean value. We might get a question after that, what is the use of boolean values (true or false). One of the use of these boolean values is in Conditional expression. Now, … Read more

Javascript Tutorial – Operators in Javascript

Operators in Javascript What is Operators Operators are used to perform Operations. Now, we get a question, what is Operation. So, here are few example of Operations So, if you want to perform all these operation, you will need operators for that, and the Numbers or Variables, on which, you will perform, these operations, are … Read more

Javascript Tutorial – Data Types and Variables

Data Types and Variables Data Types What is a Data typeIt is made up of 2 words.Data+Typewhich means Type of Data.Let’s understand first, what is Data. Data means Information. Information about something. Let’s take an example of a Retail Store, So, when you go to a Retail Store like DMart or Wallmart or somewhere else, … Read more