In this session today, we are going to see, How can we access different type of elements in a web application. We are going to see 3 types of elements.
So, Let’s start now.
Let’s see the example for accessing different types of Elements in a Web Application.
const {Builder, Browser, By, Key, Select, selectByVisibleText} = require('selenium-webdriver');
(async function example2() {
//launch a browser
let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser(Browser.FIREFOX).build();
//Maximize the window
await driver.manage().window().maximize();
//Navigate to the Web Application
await driver.get('');
//click on the product
const ProductImage = await driver.findElement(By.xpath("//ul[@class='products columns-4']/li[1]"));
//click on add the cart button
const AddtoCartButton = await driver.findElement("add-to-cart"));
//click on View Cart button
const ViewCart = await driver.findElement(By.className("button wc-forward"));
//click on proceed to checkout button
const ProceedToCheckout = await driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[@class='wc-proceed-to-checkout']/a"));
//enter first name
const firstNameField = await driver.findElement("billing_first_name"));
await firstNameField.sendKeys("QA");
//enter last name
const lastNameField = await driver.findElement("billing_last_name"));
await lastNameField.sendKeys("Peddia");
//enter address line 1
const addressline1 = await driver.findElement("billing_address_1"));
await addressline1.sendKeys("42 Test Street");
//enter city
const CityField = await driver.findElement("billing_city"));
await CityField.sendKeys("Hyderabad");
//select State from dropdown
const StateDD = await driver.findElement("billing_state"));
const option = new Select(StateDD);
await option.selectByVisibleText('Telangana');
//enter Pin Code Value
const PINCode = await driver.findElement("billing_postcode"));
await PINCode.sendKeys("500055");
//enter phone number
const PhoneNo = await driver.findElement("billing_phone"));
await PhoneNo.sendKeys("1234567890");
//enter email
const emailField = await driver.findElement("billing_email"));
await emailField.sendKeys("");
//click on place Order Button
const placeOrderButton = await driver.findElement("place_order"));
}) ();
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