We should have a little bit javascript knowledge.
Now, Let’s write our first test script. In this first test script, We will only see, How can we launch a Browser and How can we navigate to our applicate in the browser using Selenium with Javascript.
const {Builder, Browser} = require('selenium-webdriver');
(async function example() {
//launch the browser
let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser(Browser.FIREFOX).build();
//navigate to the application
await driver.get('https://www.google.com/ncr');
//close the browser
await driver.quit();
const { Builder, Browser } = require("selenium-webdriver");
(async function example1() {
//launch the browser
let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser(Browser.FIREFOX).build();
//navigate to the application
await driver.get("https://qpdemoecommerce.com");
//close the browser
await driver.quit();
We have covered below topics in today’s session
Heyecan Verici Kazanclar icin Gates-of-Olympus Slot
Difference between Functions and Methods in Javascript Before discussing the difference between a function and…
In JavaScript, an object is a data structure that allows you to store collections of…
Objects, Classes and Constructor in Javascript Classes and Objects A class in any programming language…
We will start from object oriented programming basics like What are different concepts in Object…
Why we can not over ride a Constructor This is a very important question, that,…