Hi friends, So we are going to discuss about type of dynamics XPath or relative XPath in this session.
in the last session we had discussed what is xpath and the type of XPath, and we found that we have 2 types of x paths
We found that we never use Absolute XPath. We always use Relatice Xpath, So let’s discuss about Types of Relative Xpath in this session. We are going to discuss how many types of dynamic or relative Xpath we have. There are 2 types of Relative XPaths
We are going to discuss about Basic Relative XPaths in this session So, there are six types of Basic Relative XPath
We had already discussed about the syyntax of Relative XPath in our last session, but let’s see it again.
So, a Common Syntax for Relative Xpath is something like this.
so let’s start with the first one which is the Relative XPath with single attribute. Let’s see the syntax of Relative XPath with single attribute.
There are 2 types of Syntax for Relative XPath with single attribute.
//tag_name[@attribute_name = 'attribute_value']
//*[@attributename = 'attribute_value']
So, Let’s find out the XPath with single Attribute.
Now, Let’s see the Relative XPath with multiple attribute so when you want to find a Relative XPath with multiple attribute then the Syntax of the Relative XPath with multiple attribute will be
//tag_name[@attribute1_name = 'attribute1_value'] [@attribute2_name = 'attribute2_value']
//*[@attributename = 'attribute_value'] [@attribute2_name = 'attribute2_value']
So, This Syntax is same like the previous one, the only different thing here is, that, an extra attribute is being used to find out the Element.
This type of XPath is generally used, when single attribute is not sufficient to find the unique XPath.
Let’s see the example for this.
//*[@type="text"] [@name="billing_first_name"]
//input[@type="text"] [@name="billing_first_name"]
Now Let’s see the Relative XPath with OR Keyword, So when you try to find the Relative XPath with OR Keyword for any Element, then the Syntax for that will be.
//tag_name[@attribute1_name = 'attribute1_value' OR @attribute2_name = 'attribute2_value']
//*[@attribute1_name = 'attribute1_value' OR @attribute2_name = 'attribute2_value']
So, this type of XPath is generally used when an Element is having different properties at different times. Let’s take an example of an eCommerce Website which is available in 2 languages English and French. So, When we have selected the language as English on the Website, then the login button has an attribute value of id as login_button but when we have selected the language as French on the Website, then the login button has an attribute value of id as bouton_de connexion then what should we do to locate this element, So we can use OR Keyword in that case to locate the Element.
Let’s see the XPath for this condition.
//button[@id='login_button' OR @id='bouton_de connexion']
So, the Syntax of this XPath also same like the previous ones, We are just using an OR Keyword here to find out the Element.
Now Let’s see the Relative XPath with AND Keyword, So when you try to find the Relative XPath with AND Keyword for any Element, then the Syntax for that will be.
//tag_name[@attribute1_name = 'attribute1_value' AND @attribute2_name = 'attribute2_value']
//*[@attribute1_name = 'attribute1_value' AND @attribute2_name = 'attribute2_value']
This type of XPath is generally used, when 1 attribute is not able to find a unquie XPath, So, We have to use more attributes with AND Keyword to find out the unique XPath of the Element.
Let’s see the example for this.
//*[@class="input-text" AND @name="billing_first_name"]
//input[@class="input-text" AND @name="billing_first_name"]
Now, Let’s see the Relative XPath with Contains Method. This type of XPath is used to locate the elements where the attribute value changes dynamically but a part of the attribute value remains same. Let’s take an example where we have input field user_name and the id of this field is uname_12 and just after sometime the value of id becomes uname_15, so in this, we can’t use any of the above XPath that we have discussed, so far.
We will have to use a different Xpath. So, contains method helps us here. Let’s see the Syntax of the Relative Xpath with contains method
//tag_name[contains(@attribute_name, 'attribute_value')]
//*[contains(@attribute_name, 'attribute_value')]
Let’s see the example for same
//input[contains(@id, 'first_name')]
//*[contains(@id, 'first_name')]
Now, Let’s see the Relative XPath with starts-with Method. This type of XPath is used to locate the elements where the attribute value changes dynamically but the starting part of the attribute value remains same. Let’s take an example where we have input field user_name and the id of this field is uname_12 and just after sometime the value of id becomes uname_15, so in this, we can use Relative XPath with Contains Method, but we have a different method as well, and that method is starts-with.
Let’s see the Syntax of the Relative Xpath with starts-with method
//tag_name[starts-with(@attribute_name, 'attribute_value')]
//*[starts-with(@attribute_name, 'attribute_value')]
Let’s see the example for same
//input[starts-with(@id, 'billing_first')]
//*[starts-with(@id, 'billing_first')]
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